Little beetle with big hunger

Dendromass4Euope (D4EU) aims to establish Short Rotation Coppices (SRC). Associated with that D4EU implements a dedicated monitoring and applied-level research to ensure plantation quality, production stability, optimum poplar variety selection and risk avoidance. Our Slovakian partner Daphne carries out field research for an environmental impact assessment and has already examined...

Agriculture in fast forward mode

Dendromass4Euope (D4EU) aims to establish Short Rotation Coppices (SRC) in South Central Europe. What looks a bit like the beginning of a new forest is actually an agricultural crop. SRC crops can be converted back into annual crops again, because the real estate will hold the legal status “agricultural...

D4EU poplar plantations are growing

Dendromass4Europe (D4EU) aims at establishing sustainable, Short Rotation Coppice (SRC)-based regional cropping systems for agricultural dendromass on marginal land. The SRC feed into bio-based value chains and create additional job opportunities in rural areas. Our Slovakian partner IKEA Industry Malacky is going to plant round about 500 ha polar...

Kia ora D4EU!

D4EU is back from New Zealand! Many thanks to Prof. Dr. Raffaele Spinelli from our Italian Partner CNR Ivalsa for presenting us at the Forest Engineering Conference in Rotorua. Prof. Spinelli is part of the organizing Committee and summed up: “The event has been very successful. Over all, we...