A little retrospect to our attendance at the 18th Colloquium of Wood Technology at TU Dresden in April 12-13. Dr. Christoph Leibing from IKEA Industries Malacky presented some news and recent lab results about material use of short rotation coppice for IKEA‘s functional adapted light weight boards. He explained...
Meet D4EU at the 23rd Conference on Renewable Resources – Bioeconomy 3.0.
D4EU is attending the 23rd Conference on Renewable Resources – Bioeconomy 3.0. in Dresden today and tomorrow. We present recent research about Basidiomycetes as new production systems of agribusiness and look forward to many other interesting news about material use of biomass.
Sampling of native poplars has started
Dendromass4Euope (D4EU) aims to establish Short Rotation Coppices (SRC) with different poplar hybrids. Related with that, D4EU implements a dedicated monitoring and environmental impact assessment to avoid any impact on protected species like the European black poplar (Populus nigra) that might be caused by D4EU plantations. One scenario is...
Presentation of ongoing work at the 18th Wood Technology Colloquium
Some of our ongoing work will be presented at the 18th Wood Technology Colloquium which will be held in Dresden in mid of April. The aim of the 18th Wood Technology Colloquium is to report on new interdisciplinary research approaches and technology solutions from science and industry along the...