Presentation of ongoing work at the 18th Wood Technology Colloquium

Some of our ongoing work will be presented at the 18th Wood Technology Colloquium which will be held in Dresden in mid of April. The aim of the 18th Wood Technology Colloquium is to report on new interdisciplinary research approaches and technology solutions from science and industry along the value chain forest-wood-paper.

The main topics of the program include lectures on generative manufacturing processes, the use of alternative and new raw materials and residues, but also light wood and composite materials. As part of D4EU, Christoph Leibing and partners from IKEA Industry Malacky will provide information about “material use of short rotation coppice for IKEA´s functional adapted light weight boards”. This newly developed bio-based material will minimize the efforts of carrying heavy boxes after visiting a furniture store. Daniela Einer and Holger Unbehaun from the Chair of wood and fibre material technology of TU Dresden will present their latest research about the potentials and examples of using biocomposites in generative manufacturing processes.

An accompanying poster exhibition completes the interdisciplinary Symposium.

Further information about the event as well as the program leaflet can be found at